Configuring VisiData

VisiData’s behavior can be configured several ways:

  • vd command-line arguments
  • The global options sheet
  • Sheet-specific options sheets
  • The ~/.visidatarc file

vd command-line arguments

When you launch vd, you can specify certain behaviors via arguments on the command-line.

For instance, to tell VisiData to ignore the first three lines of your input file, you’d run the following:

vd my-spreadsheet.csv --skip 3

To see the full list of configurable options, run vd -h | less:

vd(1)                        Quick Reference Guide                       vd(1)

     VisiData — a terminal utility for exploring and arranging tabular data

     vd [options] [input ...]
     vd [options] --play cmdlog [-w waitsecs] [--batch] [-i] [-o output]
     vd [options] [input ...] +toplevel:subsheet:col:row

     VisiData is an easy-to-use multipurpose tool to explore, clean, edit, and
     restructure data. Rows can be selected, filtered, and grouped; columns
     can be rearranged, transformed, and derived via regex or Python expres‐
     sions; and workflows can be saved, documented, and replayed.

     -p, --play=cmdlog       replay a saved cmdlog within the interface
     -w, --replay-wait=seconds
                             wait seconds between commands
     -b, --batch             replay in batch mode (with no interface)
     -i, --interactive       launch VisiData in interactive mode after batch

(Press Space to scroll down the list.)

The global options sheet

You can also set most of the same options, plus additional color/display options, through the “global options sheet”. To launch that sheet, press Shift-O. You should see something like this:

  File  Edit  View  Column  Row  Data  Plot  System  Help     | VisiData 3.0.2 | Alt+H for help men
 option              global_value        default             description                        
 visidata_dir       ║ ~/.visidata/       │ ~/.visidata/       │ directory to load and store additi… 
 debug                                   False               exit on error and display stacktra… 
 disp_menu                               True                show menu on top line when not act… 
 disp_menu_keys                          True                show keystrokes inline in submenus  
 color_menu                              black on 68 blue    color of menu items in general      
 color_menu_active                       223 yellow on black color of active menu items          
 color_menu_spec                         black on 34 green   color of sheet-specific menu items  
 color_menu_help                         black italic on 68… color of helpbox                    
 disp_menu_boxchars                      ││──┌┐└┘├┤          box characters to use for menus     
 disp_menu_more                          »                   command submenu indicator           
 disp_menu_push                                            indicator if command pushes sheet … 
 disp_menu_input                                           indicator if input required for co… 
 disp_menu_fmt                           | VisiData {vd.ver… right-side menu format string       
 undo                                    True                enable undo/redo                    
 disp_float_fmt                          {:.02f}             default fmtstr to format float val… 
 disp_int_fmt                            {:d}                default fmtstr to format int values 
 col_cache_size                          0                 # max number of cache entries in eac… 
 disp_formatter                          generic             formatter to create the text in ea… 
 disp_displayer                          generic             displayer to render the text in ea… 
 disp_splitwin_pct                       0                 # height of second sheet on screen    
 disp_note_none                                            visible contents of a cell whose v… 
Shift+O› global_options|                                   Shift+O   quit-sheet        242 options 

To customize an option navigate to the global_value cell in the option’s row, and press e to edit it, like you would with any other cell in VisiData.

For example, to change VisiData’s default column width from 20 to 10, navigate down to the default_width row, over to the global_value cell, press e, type 10, and then press Enter. Once you do, the global options sheet should look like this:

  File  Edit  View  Column  Row  Data  Plot  System  Help     | VisiData 3.0.2 | Alt+H for help men
 option              global_value        default             description                        
 disp_sort_asc                           ↑↟⇞⇡⇧⇑              characters for ascending sort       
 disp_sort_desc                          ↓↡⇟⇣⇩⇓              characters for descending sort      
 color_default                           white on black      the default fg and bg colors        
 color_default_hdr                       bold                color of the column headers         
 color_bottom_hdr                        underline           color of the bottom header row      
 color_current_row                       reverse             color of the cursor row             
 color_current_col                       bold                color of the cursor column          
 color_current_cell                                          color of current cell, if differen… 
 color_current_hdr                       bold reverse        color of the header for the cursor… 
 color_column_sep                       │ 246 blue           │ color of column separators          
 color_key_col                           81 cyan             color of key columns                
 color_hidden_col                        8                   color of hidden columns on metashe… 
 color_selected_row                      215 yellow          color of selected rows              
 color_clickable                         underline           color of internally clickable item  
 color_code                              bold white on 237   color of code sample                
 color_heading                           bold 200            color of header                     
 color_guide_unwrit…                     243 on black        color of unwritten guides in Guide… 
 force_256_colors                        False               use 256 colors even if curses repo… 
 quitguard                               False               confirm before quitting modified s… 
 default_width      ║ 10                #│ 20                #│ default column width                
Shift+O› global_options|                                        e   edit-option        242 options 

As with any other sheet, you can leave the global options sheet, and return to your previous sheet, by pressing q.

Sheet-specific options sheets

As the name suggests, the changes you make on the global options sheet affect your entire VisiData session. To change VisiData’s behavior for just one sheet, type zO to edit the “sheet options sheet”:

  File  Edit  View  Column  Row  Data  Plot  System  Help     | VisiData 3.0.2 | Alt+H for help men
 option              sheet_value         default             description                        
 visidata_dir       ║                    │ ~/.visidata/       │ directory to load and store additi… 
 debug                                   False               exit on error and display stacktra… 
 disp_menu                               True                show menu on top line when not act… 
 disp_menu_keys                          True                show keystrokes inline in submenus  
 color_menu                              black on 68 blue    color of menu items in general      
 color_menu_active                       223 yellow on black color of active menu items          
 color_menu_spec                         black on 34 green   color of sheet-specific menu items  
 color_menu_help                         black italic on 68… color of helpbox                    
 disp_menu_boxchars                      ││──┌┐└┘├┤          box characters to use for menus     
 disp_menu_more                          »                   command submenu indicator           
 disp_menu_push                                            indicator if command pushes sheet … 
 disp_menu_input                                           indicator if input required for co… 
 disp_menu_fmt                           | VisiData {vd.ver… right-side menu format string       
 undo                                    True                enable undo/redo                    
 disp_float_fmt                          {:.02f}             default fmtstr to format float val… 
 disp_int_fmt                            {:d}                default fmtstr to format int values 
 col_cache_size                          0                 # max number of cache entries in eac… 
 disp_formatter                          generic             formatter to create the text in ea… 
 disp_displayer                          generic             displayer to render the text in ea… 
 disp_splitwin_pct                       0                 # height of second sheet on screen    
 disp_note_none                                            visible contents of a cell whose v… 
zShift+O› faa-wildlife-strikes_options|                   zShift+O   quit-sheet        242 options 

It the sheet options sheet operates just like the global options sheet, but applies only to the sheet you were on when you typed zO.

The ~/.visidatarc file

The approaches above all affect only your current VisiData session. When you quit VisiData, those customizations evaporate.

To persist your customizations from session to session, you can specify them in your computer’s ~/.visidatarc file.

Open that file in the editor of your choosing and, for each option you wish to modify, write options.my_example_option = my_custom_value.

For instance:

options.default_width = 10
options.encoding = "latin-1"
options.bulk_select_clear = True

… and then save the file. Next time you run VisiData, these options will take effect.


The ~/.visidatarc file expects its commands to be written in Python. For basic options-setting, it doesn’t matter too much whether you know Python, as long as you follow the pattern in the example above. Numbers can be written plainly, strings of characters should be wrapped in quotation marks, and True/False values need to be written exactly as such.


If you know Python and are willing to acquaint yourself with VisiData’s architecture, you can use your ~/.visidatarc file to customize VisiData in ways far more powerful than simple option-setting — including creating your own commands.